Artwork Update

Beach Baby

Beach Baby

Artwork update time! đŸ™‚ Just a little piece I made some time ago, but only got the chance to upload here. I have some more lying around in the folder which I haven’t got the time to post here, yet.

Anyway, I have been in several projects at the moment, including webcomics and illustrations. I have gotten used to work with writers so I am pretty confident this time. I will get into those projects more in the future when things go smoothly.

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Random Rant + Doodle

I have been busy lately on Fiverr that I have so little time doing my own stuff. There are some projects that have been going around on my mind (like my on-hiatus webmanga Dark King) but I have difficult time to get some space to work on it.

This rainy evening give me some calm moment to relax and doodle something. Well, I still think I need to learn to colour a lot.



Red army

Love without Boundaries.

Taking a break from work and start doodling and sketching, I have realized how rare I get the time to draw my own stuff and drawing whatever the hell I like.

I feel like I am improving at best when I doodle from my own wild imagination and restricted at nothing. Not to say doing work professionally is bad, it is in fact good to train your working attitude and practising on something you are not really good at.

It’s just when you do your own stuff, you tend to love it more and put yourself at peace and definitely no pressure.



Dual-blade Assassin Girl


I have some trouble finding out how am I going to colour this. At first, black jacket seems pretty much cool, but it is too common for assassins or any killing-relayed professionals wearing those, so I gave her a fresh look. Plus a green hair!

I don’t have godly skills to colour realistically like most cool artist out there (don’t mistake me, I really admire them!) so I just coloured  this with simple cell shading colour.

Those glasses reminded me of Bayonetta :3
